Polish Society of Thomas Aquinas Publishing House
A Subsidiary of the International Society of Thomas Aquinas (SITA)
One of the most popular Polish scientific and philosophical publishing company
of international concern
The mission of Polish Society of Thomas Aquinas Publishing House is to promote classical realistic philosophy,
as the base for a truly humanistic culture
a reliable school of philosophical thinking.
The Polish Society of Thomas Aquinas promotes a realistic style of philosophizing, in which the inspiration of s. Thomas Aquinas remains foundational. This style is reflected in pointing the philosophical cognition to the real world of persons and things, so as to grasp the fact of their existence as a primary and fundamental philosophical problem, which over and above all other subsequent rational inferences. Such a philosophical approach responds to questions about the ultimate reason for the existence of the world and man.
Polish Society of Thomas Aquinas Publishing House propagates the results of scientific research in the field of philosophy
throughout the world, and also constitutes
a forum to share and exchange the achievements Polish milieus of philosophy while
maintaining the highest substantive and editorial standards.
Among the earliest activities [of] Polish Society of Thomas Aquinas Publishing House
is the elaboration and edition of the first Polish 10-volume
Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy,
and the 2-volume Encyclopedia of Polish Philosophy
in Polish and English editions.
Also available are the Internet and digital versions
for international circulation.
Polish Society of Thomas Aquinas Publishing House has also created a unique and highly respected award-winning
book series with a propaedeutic character. To her credit also are collections of
conference materials, and scientific monographs, studies and commentaries
Publication Ethics
The Polish Society of Thomas Aquinas Publishing House (PSTA Publishing House) applies the highest standards of publication. Its publishing activity is carried out in accordance with the established regulations. The Program Council of the PSTA Publishing House, which includes researchers from Poland and abroad, shapes publishing policy. The PSTA Publishing House makes every effort to maintain the highest ethical standards which are binding on publishing practice, and uses all possible measures to prevent abuse and misconduct on the part of authors. The adopted publishing policy is intended to develop a mutual trust between interested parties and enable a competent and transparent publishing process. The review rules adopted by the PSTA Publishing House also remain in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland regarding the adherence to the principles of ethics and good manners in science. The PSTA Publishing House policy has been developed in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
By meeting the ethical standards, the PSTA Publishing House ensures that the monographs and conference proceedings it publishes are prepared in a fair and reliable manner. The PSTA Publishing House follows a set procedure for reviewing monographs authored by individual reaserchers or monographs under academic editorship. Academic peer-reviews are a basic tool for assessing the quality and originality of the results of research presented in publications. A work is qualified for publication on the basis of the recommendation of reviewers who are specialists in a given academic discipline. The PSTA Publishing House applies the double-blind review model (i.e., the names of reviewers are unknown to authors, and vice versa—the names of authors are not known to reviewers) which guarantees the possibility of obtaining publications that can make the most significant contribution to the development of science.
Review Rules and Procedure
The review procedure used by the PSTA Publishing House is compliant with the Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (Poland) of December 2, 2015 (Journal of Laws 2015, item 2015) and the review guidelines provided by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) in the booklet Review Procedures in Science: Good Practices.
I. Review Rules
1. Research monographs and monographs under academic editorship published by the PSTA Publishing House are reviewed by at least one researcher who holds the academic degree of habilitated doctor (doctor habilitatus).
2. In the case of texts created in languages other than Polish, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated to a foreign research institution other than the nationality of the author of a work.
3. A double-blind review process (in which authors and reviewers do not know their identities) is recommended.
4. The PSTA Publishing House guarantees the absence of a conflict of interest between reviewers and authors; such a conflict would occur if there was (a) a direct personal relationship: kinship, legal relationships, etc., (b) a professional subordination, or (c) a direct academic cooperation in last two years—between them.
5. The reviewer of a research monograph or a monograph under academic editorship should have the competence to evaluate publications in a given discipline and the reputation of a reliable reviewer.
6. The reviewer is obliged to carefully read the reviewed work and make every effort to assess its scholarly value fairly and honestly.
7. The review must be in writing and end with an explicit conclusion as to whether the reviewed work should be accepted for publication (and in what form: whether in its original form or after taking into account suggested amendments) or rejected.
8. In the case of co-authored publications, it is necessary for the authors to precisely determine the extent of their individual contribution and make a statement to that end (a statement on the contribution of the author/authors).
9. During the review process, reviewers are obliged to keep confidential their opinion on a reviewed work and not to use their knowledge of it before its publication.
10. The PSTA Publishing House guarantees the independence and reliability of reviewers’ opinions.
II. The Review Procedure
The review procedure adopted by the PSTA Publishing House consists of the following stages:
a) Authors/editors submit the full content of a research monograph or a monograph under academic editorship to the PSTA Publishing House.
b) Authors make a written statement on the originality of their monograph, and transfer their copyrights to the PSTA Publishing House which will publish and distribute the monograph both in printed and electronic forms. In the case of co-authorship, authors define their percentage participation in the preparation of the monograph.
c) The PSTA Publishing House verifies the completeness of the material submitted.
d) The PSTA Publishing House selects reviewers and sends the material submitted to them.
e) Reviewers write their reviews and forward them to the PSTA Publishing House.
f) In the case of positive reviews, authors/editors make corrections suggested by reviewers to the monograph and submit its final version to the PSTA Publishing House.
h) The PSTA Publishing House creates pdf proofs (a cover design included) for approval by authors/editors.
i) The printing of the monograph.
▪ Books from PSTA Publishing House are available in the international scientific circuit.
▪ As a branch of the International Society of Thomas Aquinas (Società Internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino - SITA), PSTA participates in the international distribution network, maintaining its contact with particular branches of SITA and distributors present on the international scientific market.
▪ She also provides cooperation with bookstores, wholesalers and points of sale of books in Poland.
▪ Works with numerous libraries and institutions of academic life in the country and abroad.
▪ She has her own Internet bookshop serving Polish and foreign clients, and accepts orders twenty-four hours a day for all the books published by PSTA
▪ She maintains her own distribution channels without time limit.
▪ Books from PSTA Publishing House are characterized by a high level of content and editorial [services].
▪ PSTA Publishing House publishes numerous series of different categories, including propaedeutic introductions to philosophy, and advanced monographs popularizing science.
▪ From PSTA are works of nearly 600 authors of Polish and foreign extraction.
▪ PSTA Publishing House prepares monographs, studies, commentaries, translations from foreign languages (classical and modern), collective works, encyclopedias, dictionaries, philosophical dialogues.
▪ Publishes books written by earlier and contemporary Polish authors, as well as books of foreign authors published in translation for the first time in Poland.
▪ PSTA Publishing House, in the interests of a high substantive and editorial level, employs a team of experienced editors.
▪ Provides language correction, bibliographic correction and revision of layout.
▪ Develops graphic designs and covers.
A Subsidiary of the International Society of Thomas Aquinas (SITA)
Department of Metaphysics - the Catholic University of Lublin
Al. Racławickie 14; 20-950 Lublin
tel. 81 445 43 87; tel./fax. 445 43 88
mail: tomasak@kul.pl
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